Case Study - Website design, development, and SEO for Impaktly

The best way to predict the future is to make it happen – Impaktly is a regenerative growth agency propelling companies into a preferable future.

Web development, SEO, Design


Impaktly positions itself at the nexus of sustainability and business growth. As a pioneering sustainability consulting firm, their mission is to guide businesses towards practices and strategies that ensure a sustainable, prosperous future for all. Their commitment goes beyond mere advisories; they actively steer companies towards responsible growth that benefits the planet.

The challenge

With the growing urgency of sustainability and the influx of consulting agencies promising green solutions, Impaktly was facing the challenge of distinguishing its genuine commitment and deep expertise from generic advisory services. Their previous online footprint lacked the specificity and passion that defined their unique approach. They needed a web presence that showcased their expertise, communicated their values, and engaged potential clients who are serious about making a tangible impact.

The solution

Through collaboration with the Impaktly team, we designed and developed a website that embodies their ethos. Combining the design and development with specific SEO strategies, we ensured Impaktly stands out not just for its aesthetic appeal but also for its compelling narrative on sustainable growth.

What we did

  • Frontend (Next.js)
  • Prismic CMS
  • SEO
  • Design

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